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 HOME > 뷡ڷ > â1
ۼ : 2011-03-12 01:02:54
[MP3] 15 Unchained Melody ( ȥOST * Righteous Brothers) -
 ۾ : Ҹٴ  
ȸ : 6,402

15 Unchained Melody ( ȥOST * Righteous Brothers) -

Oh my love my dar_ling I've hun_gered
for your touch a_long lone_ly time
Time goes by so slow_ly and time
can do so much Are you still mine
I need your love I need your love
God speed your love to me Lone_ly
ri_vers flow to the sea to the sea
To the o_pen arms to the sea
Lone_ly ri_vers sigh wait for me wait for me
I'll be com_ing home wait for me
Oh my love my dar_ling I've hun_gered
for your touch a long lone_ly time
Time goes by so slow_ly and time can do so much
Are you still mine I need your love I need your love
God speed your love to me@
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