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 HOME > 뷡ڷ > â1
ۼ : 2011-03-12 00:33:27
[MP3] 04 You Light Up My Life (Debby Boone) - տ
 ۾ : Ҹٴ  
ȸ : 6,010

04 You Light Up My Life (Debby Boone) - տ

So man_y nights I'd sit by my win_dow wait_ing for
some_one to sing me his song
So man_y dreams I kept deep in_side me a_lone in the
dark but now you're come a_long
And you light up my life you give me hope to car_ry on
you light up my days and fill my nights with song
Rol_lin' at sea a drift on the wa_ters could it be fi_nally
I'm turn_ing for home fi_nally a chance to say hey I love
you nev_er a_gain to be all a_long
And you light up my life you give me hope to car_ry on
you light up my days and fill my nights with song
And you light up my life you give me hope to car_ry on
you light up my days and fill my nights with song
It can't be wrong when it feels so right cause you
you light up my life@
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