* Ҹٴ ȸ 20045~20069 ģ " 1,700"
ۼ : 2011-04-08 11:03:14
[11] Proud Mary (C.C.R) - E
ȸ : 1,846
Proud Mary E(1082G-3)
Proud Mary (C.C.R) K1082 T7032 A1720
Left a good job in the ci_ty work_ing of the man eve_ry night and day and I nev_er lost one min_ute of sleep_ing worry_ing about the way things might have been big wheel keep on turn_ing Proud Mar_y keep on burn_ing roll_ing roll_ing roll_ing on the ri_ver Cleaned a lot of plates in Mem_phis pumped a lot of pain in New Or_leans but I ne_ver saw the good side of the ci_ty un_til I hitched a ride on a ri_ver boat queen big wheel keep on turn_ing Proud Mar_y keep on burn_ing roll_ing roll_ing roll_ing on the riv_er@
roll_ing roll_ing roll_ing on the riv_er@ If you come down to the ri_ver bet you gon_na find some peo_ple who live you don't have to wor_ry cause you have no mo_ney peo_ple on the ri_ver are hap_py to give big wheel keep on turn_ing Proud Mar_y keep on burn_ing roll_ing roll_ing roll_ing on the ri_ver roll_ing roll_ing roll_ing on the ri_ver roll_ing roll_ing roll_ing on the ri_ver@