* Ҹٴ ȸ 20045~20069 ģ " 1,700"
ۼ : 2011-04-09 15:33:01
[14] The Young Ones (Cliff Richard) - C
ȸ : 1,707
The Young Ones C(1091C)
The Young Ones (Cliff Richard) K1091 T7140 A1748
The young ones dar_ling we're the young ones And the young ones shoul_dn't be a_fraid To love and love while the flame is strong 'cause we may not be the young ones ve_ry long To_mor_row why wait un_til tomor_row 'cause to_mor_row some_times nev_er comes so love me there's song to be sung And the next time is to sing it while we're young once in eve_ry life time comes a love like this Oh I need you You need me Oh my dar_ling Can't you see Young dreams should be dreamed to_ge_ther And the young hearts shou_ldn't be a_fraid And some_day when the years have fellow fall_ing then we'll teach the young ones of our own@
ones in eve_ry life time comes a love like this oh I need you you need me oh my dar_ling can't you see Young dreams should be dreamed to_ge_ther And the young hearts shou_ldn't be a_fraid And some_day when the years have fellow fall_ing then we'll teach the young ones of our own@