* Ҹٴ ȸ 20045~20069 ģ " 1,700"
ۼ : 2011-04-09 17:07:19
[15] The Way We Were (Barbra Streisand) - F
ȸ : 1,922
The Way We Were F(2405Fs-1)
The Way We Were (Barbra Streisand) K2405 T7076 A2910
Mm mm mm mm mm mm mm Memo_ries light the cor_ners of my mind Mist_y wa_ter col_or memo_ries of the way we were Scat_tered pic_tures of the smiles we left be_hind smiles we gave to one an_oth_er for the way we were Can it be that it was all so sim_ple then or has time re_writ_ten eve_ry line If we had the chance to do it all a_gain tell me would we could we Memo_ries may be beau_ti_ful and yet what's too pain_ful to re_mem_ber we sim_ply choose to for_get So it's the laugh_ter we will re_mem_ber when_ev_er we re_mem_ber the way we were The way we were Mm mm mm mm mm@