* Ҹٴ ȸ 20045~20069 ģ " 1,700"
ۼ : 2011-04-09 17:12:47
[15] Walterloo (Abba) - C
ȸ : 1,807
Walterloo C(T20596D-2)
Walterloo (Abba) KX T20596 A2048
My my at Wa_ter_loo Na_po_leon did sur_ren_der Oh yeah and I have met my des_ti_ny in quite a simi_lar way The his_to_ry book on the shelf Is al_ways re_peat_ing it_self Wa_ter_loo I was de_feat_ed you won the war Wa_ter_loo Prom_ise to love you for_ev_er more Wa_ter_loo Could_n't e_scape if I want_ed to Wa_ter_loo Know_ing my fate is to be with you Wa_ter_loo Fi_nal_ly fac_ing my Water_loo My my I tried to hold you back but you were stron_ger Oh yeah and now it seems my on_ly chance is giv_ing up the fight And how could I ev_er re_fuse I feel like I win when I lose Wa_ter_loo I was de_fea_td you won the war Wa_ter_loo Prom_ise to love you forev_er more Wa_ter_loo Could_n't es_cape if I want_ed to Wa_ter_loo Know_ing my fate is to be with you Wa_ter_loo Fi_nal_ly fac_ing my Water_loo And how could I ev_er re_fuse I feel like I win when I lose Wa_ter_loo Coul_dn't es_cape if I want_ed to Wa_ter_loo Know_ing my fate is to be with you Wa_ter_loo Fi_nal_ly fac_ing my Water_loo Wa_ter_loo Know_ing my fate is to be with you Wa_ter_loo Fi_nal_ly fac_ing my Water_loo@