* Ҹٴ ȸ 20045~20069 ģ " 1,700"
ۼ : 2011-04-05 15:25:15
[10] Obladi Oblada (Beatles) - C
ȸ : 1,753
Obladi Oblada C(8598C)
Obladi Oblada (Beatles) K8598 T7316 A3903
Des_mond has a bar_row in the mar_ket place Mor_ley is the sing_er in the band Des_mond says to Mor_ley Girl I like your face And Mor_ley says this as she takes him by the hand Ob_la_di Ob_la_da life goes on La la la la life goes on Ob_la_di Ob_la_da life goes on La la la la life goes on Des_mon takes Mor_ley to the jew_el_ry store Buys a twen_ty car_rot gold_en ring Takes it back to Mor_ley wait_ing at the door And as he gives it to her she be_gins to sing Ob_la_di Ob_la_da life goes on La la la la life goes on Ob_la_di Ob_la_da life goes on La la la la life goes on In a cou_ple of years they have built a home sweet home With a cou_ple of kids run_ning in the yards Des_mon and Mor_ley Jones Hap_py e_ver af_ter in the mar_ket place Des_mon lets the child_ren lend the hand Mor_ley stays at home and does her pret_ty face And in the e_ven_ing she still sings it with the band Ob_la_di Ob_la_da life goes on La la la la life goes on Ob_la_di Ob_la_da life goes on La la la la life goes on In a cou_ple of years they have built a home sweet home With a cou_ple of kids run_ning in the yards Des_mon and Mor_ley Jones Hap_py e_ver af_ter in the mar_ket place Mor_ley lets the child_ren lend the hand Des_mon stays at home and does her pret_ty face And in the e_ven_ing she still sings it with the band Ob_la_di Ob_la_da life goes on La la la la life goes on Ob_la_di Ob_la_da life goes on La la la la life goes on And if you want some fun Take Ob_la_di Bla_da@