* Ҹٴ ȸ 20045~20069 ģ " 1,700"
ۼ : 2011-04-04 14:22:59
[08] Greatest Love Of All (Whitney Houston) - F#
ȸ : 1,695
Greatest Love Of All Fs(2455Fs)
Greatest Love Of All (Whitney Houston) K2455 T7707 A3844
I be_lieve the chil_dren are our fu_ture Teach them well and let them lead the way Show them all the beau_ty they pos_sess in_side Give them a sense of pride to make it ea_sier Let the chil_dren's laugh_ter re_mind us how we used to be Eve_ry_body's sear_chin' for a hero Peo_ple need some_one to look up to I never found any_one who ful_filled my needs A lone_ly place to be and so I lear_ned to de_pend on me I de_ci_ded long ago never to walk in any_one's sha_dows If I fail if I suc_ceed at least I'll live as I be_lieve No ma_tter what they take from me They can't take away my dig_ni_ty Be_cause the grea_test love of all is hap_pen_ing to me I found the grea_test love of all in_side of me The grea_test love of all is easy to a_chieve Learn_ing to love your self it is the grea_test love of all I be_lieve the chil_dren are our fu_ture Teach them well and let them lead the way Show them all the beau_ty they pos_sess in_side Give them a sense of pride to make it ea_sier Let the chil_dren's laugh_ter re_mind us how we used to be I de_ci_ded long ago never to walk in any_one's sha_dows If I fail if I suc_ceed at least I'll live as I be_lieve No ma_tter what they take from me They can't take away my dig_ni_ty Be_cause the grea_test love of all is hap_pen_ing to me I found the grea_test love of all in_side of me The grea_test love of all is easy to a_chieve Learn_ing to love your self it is the grea_test love of all And if by chance that spe_cial place that you've been dream_ing of Leads you to a lone_ly place find your strength in love@