* Ҹٴ ȸ 20045~20069 ģ " 1,700"
ۼ : 2011-04-04 15:35:28
[09] Don't Cry For Me Argentina (Festival) - Bb
ȸ : 1,743
Don't Cry For Me Argentina Bb(2364Bb)
Don't cry for me Argentina (Festival) K2364 T7242 A1805
It won't be ea_sy you'll think it's strange when I try to ex_plain how I feel that I still need your love af_ter all that I've done You won't be_lieve me All you'll see is a girl you once knew Al_though she's dressed up to the mine At six_es and se_ven with you I had to let it hap_pen I had to change could_n't stay all my life down at the heels look_ing out of the win_dow staying out of the sun so I choose free_dom run_ning a_round try_ing eve_ry_thing new but no_thing im_press_ed me at all I ne_ver ex_pect_ed it to Don't cry for me Ar_gen_ti_na the truth is I ne_ver left you all through my wild days my mad ex_ist_ence I kept my pro_mise don't keep your dis_tance And as for for_tune and as for fame I ne_ver in_vi_ted them in though it seems to the world They were all de_sired There are il_lu_sions they're not the il_lu_sions they pro_mised to be the an_swer was here all the time I love you and hope you love me Don't cry for me Ar_gen_ti_na@
Don't cry for me Ar_gen_ti_na the truth is I ne_ver left you all through my wild days my mad ex_ist_ence I kept my pro_misedon't keep your dis_tance Have I said to much There's noth_ing more I can think of to say to you But all you have to do is look at me to know That ev_ery world is true@