* Ҹٴ ȸ 20045~20069 ģ " 1,700"
ۼ : 2011-04-08 14:49:31
[12] Delilah (Tom Jones) - Cm
ȸ : 1,754
Delilah Cm(2429Em-4)
Delilah (Tom Jones) K2429 T7163 A4075
I saw the light on the night that I passed by her win_dow I saw the flick_er_ing sha_dows of love on her blind She was my wom_an As she de_ceived me I watched and went out of my mind My my my De_li_lah Why why why De_li_lah I could see that girl was no good for me But I was lost like a slave that no man could free At break of day when that man drove a_way I was wait_ing I crossed the street to her house and she o_pened the door She stood there laugh_ing I felt the knife in my hand and she laughed no more My my my De_li_lah Why why why De_li_lah So be_fore they come to break down the door For_give me De_li_lah I just could_n't take an_y_more@
She stood there laugh_ing I felt the knife in my hand and she laughed no more My my my De_li_lah Why why why De_li_lah So be_fore they come to break down the door For_give me De_li_lah I just could_n't take an_y_more For_give me De_li_lah I just could_n't take an_y_more@