* Ҹٴ ȸ 20045~20069 ģ " 1,700"
ۼ : 2011-04-09 16:59:27
[15] Danny Boy (Harry Belafonte) - G
 ȸ : 2,022
Danny Boy G(2355G M)
Danny Boy (Harry Belafonte) K2355 T7058 A4074
Oh Dan_ny Boy the pipes the pipes are call_ing From glen to glen and down the moun_tain side The sum_mer's gone and all the ros_es fall_ing It's you it's you must go and I must bide But com_ming back when sum_mer's in the mea_dow And when the val_ley's hushed and white with snow It's I'll be here in sun_shine or in sha_dow Oh Dan_ny boy oh Dan_ny boy I'll miss you so@
But if you fall as all the flowers are dy_ing And you are dead as dead you well may_be I'm come and find the place where you are ly_ing And kneel and say and are they there afore thee But com_ming back when sum_mer's in the mea_dow And when the val_ley's hushed and white with snow It's I'll be here in sun_shine or in sha_dow Oh Dan_ny boy oh Dan_ny boy I love you so@