* Ҹٴ ȸ 20045~20069 ģ " 1,700"
ۼ : 2011-04-02 13:50:23
[06] You Needed Me (Anne Murray) - G
ȸ : 1,754
You Needed Me G(3131A-2 Tp1)
You needed me (Anne Murray) K3131 T7047 A2916
I cried a tear you wiped it dry I was con_fused you cleared my mind I sold my soul you bought it back for me and held me up and gave me dig_ni_ty Some_how you need_ed me You gave me strength to stand a_lone a_gain to face the world out on my own a_gain You put me high up_on a ped_es_tal so high that I can al_most see e_ter_ni_ty you need_ed me you need_ed me and I can't be_lieve it's you I can't be_lieve it's true I need_ed you and you were there And I'll nev_er leave why should I leave I'd be a fool cause I've final_ly found some_one who real_ly cares You held my hand when it was cold When I was lost you took me home You gave me hope when I was at the end and turned my lies back in_to truth a_gain You e_ven called me friend You gave me strength to stand a_lone a_gain to face the world out on my own a_gain You put me high up_on a ped_es_tal so high thatI can al_most see e_ter_ni_ty you need_ed me you need_ed me you need_ed me you need_ed me@