* Ҹٴ ȸ 20045~20069 ģ " 1,700"
ۼ : 2011-03-25 17:09:32
[03] Take Me Home Country Roads (J Denver) - D
ȸ : 1,866
Take Me Home Country Roads D(2681D)
Take Me Home Country Roads (J Denver) K2681 T7098 A1828
Al_most hea_ven West Vir_gin_ia Blue Ridge Moun_tains Shen_an_do_ah Ri_ver Life is old there old_er than the trees young_er than the moun_tains grow_ing like a breeze Coun_try Roads take me home to the place I be_long West Vir_gin_ia moun_tain mam_ma Take me home Coun_try Roads All my memo_ries gath_er' round her min_er's la_dy stranger to blue wat_er Dark and dust_y paint_ed on the sky mist_y taste of moon_shine tear_drop in my eyes Coun_try Roads take me home to the place I be_long West Vir_gin_ia moun_tain mam_ma Take me home Coun_try Roads I hear her voice in the morn_ing hours she calls me the ra_di_o re_minds me of my home far a_way and driv_ing down the road I get a feel_ing that I should have been home yes_ter_day yes_ter_day Coun_try Roads take me home to the place I be_long West Vir_gin_ia moun_tain mam_ma Take me home Coun_try Roads Take me home Coun_try Roads Take me home Coun_try Roads@