* Ҹٴ ȸ 20045~20069 ģ " 1,700"
ۼ : 2011-04-05 16:43:51
[10] Summer Wine (Hazlewood) - Am
ȸ : 2,286
Summer Wine Am(T7291Am)
Summer Wine (Hazlewood) KX T7291 A8159
Straw_ber_ries cher_ries and an an_gel's kiss in spring My sum_mer wine is real_ly made from all these things@ I walked in town on sil_ver spurs that jin_gled to A song that I have on_ly sang to just a few She saw my sil_ver spurs and said let's spend some time And I will give to you sum_mer wine Oh oh sum_mer wine Straw_ber_ries cher_ries and an an_gel's kiss in spring My sum_mer wine is real_ly made from all these things Take off your sil_ver spurs and help me pass the time And I will give to you sum_mer wine Oh oh sum_mer wine My eyes grew hea_vy and my lips they could not speak I tried to get up but I could_n't find my feet She re_as_sured me with an un_fa_mil_iar line And then she gave to me more sum_mer wine More sum_mer wine Straw_ber_ries cher_ries and an an_gel's kiss in spring My sum_mer wine is real_ly made from all these things Take off your sil_ver spurs and help me pass the time And I will give to you sum_mer wine Oh oh sum_mer wine When I woke up the sun was shin_ing in my eyes My sil_ver spurs were gone my head felt twice it's size She took my sil_ver spurs a dol_lar and a dime And left me crav_ing for more sum_mer wine More sum_mer wine Straw_ber_ries cher_ries and an an_gel's kiss in spring My sum_mer wine is real_ly made from all these things Take off your sil_ver spurs and help me pass the time And I will give to you sum_mer wine Oh oh sum_mer wine Straw_ber_ries cher_ries and an an_gel's kiss in spring My sum_mer wine is real_ly made from all these things Take off your sil_ver spurs and help me pass the time And I will give to you sum_mer wine Oh oh sum_mer wine@