* Ҹٴ ȸ 20045~20069 ģ " 1,700"
ۼ : 2011-04-08 11:00:47
[11] Before The Dawn (Judas Priest) - Am
ȸ : 2,429
Before The Dawn Am(1057Am)
Before The Dawn (Judas Priest) K1057 T7094 A1660
Be_fore the dawn I hear you whis_per in your sleep don't let the mor_ning take him out_side the birds be_gin to call as if to sum_mon up my leav_ing It's been a long time since I found some_one since I found some_one who would stay I wait_ed to long now you leav_ing Oh please don't take it all the way@
It's been a long time since I found some_one since I found some_one who would stay I wait_ed to long now you leav_ing Oh please don't take it all the way Be_fore the dawn I hear you whis_per in your sleep don't let the mor_ning take me@