* Ҹٴ ȸ 20045~20069 ģ " 1,700"
ۼ : 2011-04-08 11:01:23
[11] Green Fields (Brothers Four) - Gm
ȸ : 1,955
Green Fields Gm(1062Gm)
Green Fields (Brothers Four) K1062 T7127 A1676
Once there were green fields kissed by the sun Once there were val_leys where riv_ers used to run Once there was blue sky with white clouds high a_bove Once they were part of an ev_er_last_ing love We were the lov_ers who stolled through green fields@
Green fields are gone now parched by the sun Gone from the val_leys where riv_ers used to run Once with the cold wind that swept in_to my heart Gone with the lov_ers who let their dreams de_part Where are the green fields that we used to roam@
I'll nev_er know what made you run a_way How can I keep search_ing when dark clouds hide the day I on_ly know there's noth_ing here for me Noth_ing in this wide world left for me to see But I'll keep on wait_ing 'til you re_turn I'll keep on wait_ing un_til the day you learn You can't be hap_py while your heart's on the roam You can't be hap_py un_til you bring it home Home to the green fields and me once a_gain@