* Ҹٴ ȸ 20045~20069 ģ " 1,700"
ۼ : 2011-04-08 14:54:04
[12] Perhaps Love (P.Domingo / J.Denver) - D
ȸ : 1,728
Perhaps Love D(1988D)
Perhaps Love (P.Domingo / J.Denver) K988 T7233 A3884
Per_haps love is like a res_ting place a shel_ter from the storm It ex_ists to give you com_fort it is there to keep you warm And in those times of trou_ble] when you are most al_one The me_mo_ry of love will bring you home Per_haps love is like a win_dow per_haps an o_pen door it in_vites you to come clo_ser it wants to show you more And e_ven if you lose your_self and don't know what to do the me_mo_ry of love will see you thru Oh love to some is like a cloud to some as strong as steel For some a_way of liv_ing for some a_way to feel and some say love is hol_ding on and some say let_ting go And some say love is eve_ry_thing some say they don't know Per_haps love is like the o_cean full of con_flict full of pain like a fire when it's cold out_side thun_der when it rains If I should live for_ev_er and all my dreams come true My me_mo_ries of love will be of you@
and some say love is hol_ding on and some say let_ting go And some say love is eve_ry_thing some say they don't know Per_haps love is like the o_cean full of con_flict full of pain like a fire when it's cold out_side thun_der when it rains If I should live for_ev_er and all my dreams come true My me_mo_ries of love will be of you@