* Ҹٴ ȸ 20045~20069 ģ " 1,700"
ۼ : 2011-04-02 15:04:56
[07] Sealed With A Kiss (Bryan Highland) - F#m
ȸ : 1,877
Sealed With A Kiss Fsm(2426Gm-1)
Sealed With A Kiss (Bryan Highland) K2426 T7036 A1826
'Tho we got_ta say good bye for the sum_mer Darl_ing I prom_ise you this I'll send you all my love eve_ry_day in a let_ter Sealed with a kiss Guess it's gon_na be a cold lone_ly sum_mer But I'll fill the emp_ti_ness I'll send you all my dreams eve_ry_day in a let_ter Sealed with a kiss I'll see you in the sun_light I'll hear your voice eve_ry_where I'll run to ten_der_ly hold you But dar_ling you won't be there I don't wan_na say good bye for the sum_mer Know_ing the love we'll miss Oh let us make a pledge to meet in Sep_tem_ber And sealed it with a kiss@
I don't wan_na say good bye for the sum_mer Know_ing the love we'll miss Oh let us make a pledge to meet in Sep_tem_ber And sealed it with a kiss@